Aerial Pursuits

by Dariise Shicarra

Check Out the Latest Podcast Episode

A podcast for Aerialists, Dancers, Contortionists, & the Aerial Curious

Hi, I’m Dariise Shicarra

I am a dancer, yogi, and aerialist. My goal is to help people around the world unlock a new level of peace and confidence through movement.

My dance style focuses on meditative flow, low flow and blended movement flows in which I integrate different styles of movement into accessible combinations.

On the blog you can find discussion on dance, aerial, art, spirituality, language and of course ways to find space and time for movement and self-care practices in your own life.

If you are here, it is because you were meant to find a place where you can be inspired to get up and create! Enough watching everyone else.

The world needs your creativity! The world needs you!

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